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Mac Os X Mavericks For Vmware Torrent: Everything You Need to Know About This Powerful OS


Setting up for installation1. Download MountainLion VMWare Image from SoulDevTeam and extract it2. Install VMWare (Workstation 10 works best) and patch it using SoulDevTeam's guide and files (included in the download above)3. Run MountainLion, complete the startup wizard and shut down the machine4. Download Mavericks VMWare Image from SoulDevTeam and extract it5. Using VMWare (in the settings tab), add an harddrive to MountainLion and select "Using existing virtual disk" (browse your mavericks.vmdk, also make sure you selected SCSI and not SATA)(if an error message pop up, use "Upgrade this machine" option in VMWare then try again)6. Run MountainLion, open Terminal and write "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES" (without quotes) hit Return then alt+RightClick on Finder and "Relaunch"7. Download this file and extract it8. On Finder you'll find a new disk called "Macintosh", open it and delete the file "mach_kernel"9. Rename mckay_kernel (downloaded before) into mach_kernel10. Copy/Paste into "Macintosh" disk11. Eject "Macintosh" and shut down your machine Installing Mavericks12. From Windows open the vmx file inside your Mavericks directory13. Run Mavericks14. Complete the wizard (NOTE: the system will look like 10x faster than normal. that's ok, we're going to fix this)15. Download Clover Configurator and run it (RightClick -> Open)16. Go to "Install&Update" tab and click Install (right side)17. When the installation is completed shut down Mavericks18. Trought VMWare from the topbar select VM -> Power -> Power on to BIOS19. Go to Boot Maintenance Manager -> Configure boot options -> Add boot option -> Macintosh20. Browse to EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi and press return (type "Clover" as name)21. Now select "Change boot order" and press Return22. Using your key arrows highlight "Clover" and press numPad +23. When Clover is on top press Return, select "Commit changes and exit" and hit Return again24. Exit the Boot Maintenance Manager and Continue your boot25. You should now see Clover bootloader, double click on your only drive and wait. Note: DO NOT update. I'm currently trying to find a way to update without breaking anything so please be patient.

Setting up for installation1. Download MountainLion VMWare Image from SoulDevTeam and extract it (Download 10.9.4 Combo Update from Apple website in Windows and keep it in a usb)2. Install VMWare (Workstation 10 works best) and patch it using SoulDevTeam's guide and files (included in the download)3. Run MountainLion, complete the startup wizard and shut down the machine4. Download Mavericks VMWare Image from SoulDevTeam and extract it5. Using VMWare(in the settings tab), add a harddrive to MountainLion and select "Using existing virtual disk" (browse your mavericks.vmdk, also make sure you selected SCSI and not SATA)(if an error message pop up, use "Upgrade this machine" option in VMWare then try again )6. Run MountainLion, open Terminal and write "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES" (without quotes) hit Return then alt+RightClick on Finder and "Relaunch"7. Download Bronya 10.9.4 rc3 v.1 and these kexts and extract it8. On Finder you'll find a new disk called "Macintosh", open it and delete the file "mach_kernel"9. In the folder mach_10_9_4_rc3/FX there should be mach_kernel10. Copy/Paste mach_kernel into the root "Macintosh" disk11. Shut down Mountain Lion Installing Mavericks12. From Windows open the vmx file inside your Mavericks directory13. Run Mavericks14. Complete the wizard15. Open and install the 10.9.4 combo update16. Let the mac restart after the installation is complete17. It will continue to install after it has restarted, just wait for it to finish18. Once that's complete, Mavericks won't boot, so power off in VM19. Start up Mountain Lion and replace the mach_kernel in the mavericks.vmdk again like we did earlier20. Download Kext Wizard and open it21. Go to the Installation tab22. Drag and drop the kexts from the folder "Replace Mave kext AMD" (when we downloaded the kexts from the above link)23. Make sure that the Target disk(above the install button) is set to "Macintosh 1"24. Then press Install, after install is complete shut down Mountain Lion25. Start up Mavericks 10.9.4 and it should be working now Please note that theese guides have been written by users and they may include errors. Also, we can't ensure that this is going to work for your machine.Changes in the near future are higly possible.Thanks again to anyone involved and long-life to AMD!Here is the link to the topic where all the magic happened -> Install OS X 10.9 in VirtualBox, AMD Athlon 64 on Host

Mac Os X Mavericks For Vmware Torrent

I downloaded the virtual machine by torrent and it works fine on VMWare 10 workstation. However, there is only one resolution for the virtual machine which is 1024x768 which is so small for most of the monitors nowadays. Is there anyway to increase the resolution for this virtual machine? 2ff7e9595c


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